San Diego Vacation Rental Regulations

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  1. What is the latest update on tier 4 licenses? Saw in San Diego tribune in December that tier 3 didn’t get the expected number of applications for licenses and tier 4 number applications submitted were at the expected amount. What progress has been made by city of SD to inform tier 4 vacation rental owners if they have a license or not.

  2. Debbie,

    The city is allowing all to apply for a tier 3 license, assuming your rental unit business tax is paid into good standing and your TOT certificate is as well.

    There is no lottery, and it is first come, first serve until the city runs out of licenses.

    Tier 4 applicants have all been informed via email if they have won a license or not. There is also a wait-list online with your application ID.

    The deadline to pay your licensing fee is Friday, January 6.

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